Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Animation blog, Happy X-mas guys

First proper blog for a long while will start, begins in early 2011. For now Happy Christmas/happy holidays, see you in 2011. That's all Bye.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Have a look for this link

Look at this web-site below when I'm really start writing it. This will be the blog for the final major project for my movie image project for now on. This blog will still continue the animation side for final major project. So for now enjoy and merry x-mas, see ya in 2011.


Monday, 29 November 2010

The finished products of my work

Sorry I haven't been round, here is a new blog. These are finished products I have done in Uni, this is the 30 second experimental animation with sound.

This one is final video for the video project I have done in five weeks! almost had kittens with this project here is the finished product. Also got the mark for this video, and its good result.

This video is for the video project but a bit experimental. And its just help me to relearn Final Cut Pro, I though I just show it to you guys.

Thanks for watching, sorry about the short blog. Thats all, Bye.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Final Journal/Blog of Experimental Animation Project

This was a little early than plan. The third and final Journal of the Experimental Animation I have created.


Today I went into After Effects, I created my spinning circles, and I made the effect in After Effects using Red Giant 3D Stroke. I simply created a new solid and applied the 3D stroke effects. I then used the pen tool to create a circle and adjusted the values of the 3D stroke effect so that they all rotate at different speeds. Then I exported the video to a QuickTime file.


I’ve been continuing with Photoshop today. I started duplicating the barcode layers a few times in Photoshop today to make the next part of the animation, were I make the barcode shrink a few times in each layers, by using the free transforming tool. Afterwards I duplicate the layers each time I want to make with each frame. With the bending of the barcode I use in Photoshop I have made this by edit – transform – wrap then duplicate each layer each time I bended the barcode each time making different layer.

Afterwards I went into the animation set up in Photoshop, went into the animation timeline and place were each frame were the barcode is disappearing. Then I went to export – render video to the next bit of the animation is completed.


With all my QuickTime files I have done, I‘ve placed them all into Final Cut Pro, place them onto the timeline. Then with the spinning circles, I felt the animation need to make it slower, so I right click into menu bar find speed, in speed side bar change the speed to 80 percent, clicked ok.

With all my QuickTime files I have done, I‘ve placed them all into Final Cut Pro, place them onto the timeline. Then with the spinning circles, I felt the Afterwards I went into file – export –QuickTime Movie. I exported the animation into a QuickTime file. Now is time to show the animation to my peers’, for some feedback.

The animation above this the 26th October showing of the Animation, while one below is the 2nd November animation I showed by Peers, only thing needs to improve is sound. So that is the end of the project. Bye.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Guess who is on Vemeo now?

As the tittle says, I'm on Vemeo now, I created an account yesterday night. So I uploaded my first Video ten minutes back called 'Barcode Experimental Animation', its also on Youtube too from Tuesday. So comment on it on this site, Youtube and Vimeo. So I can write a critical Review for Tuesday (so write before Saturday please, so I can write feedback in time). New Blog/Journal in a week time at least. Bye.

Barcode Experimental Animation from Jonathan hurlock on Vimeo.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Continue of Journal of Experimental Animation Video

I am continuing with the blog/journal for the Experimental Animation Project so far with the working process of my animation so far.


I have started the project, first I created a 1024x576 ppi (which is the layout for the video set up) in Photoshop, and in the first layer I created a barcode by using the reticular marquee tool then filling it in, then invert the image to other way round by image – adjust - invert. Afterwards I have duplicated the layer a few times then changing the colour in image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation, I have change this around seven different colours for this project.


Today I have added spots and numbers into the project in Photoshop, from the same techniques from yesterday. This was going to be made in After Effects, due to I can’t find a computer with the program, I will do the most in Photoshop, because it has an animation format and export the animation into a QuickTime file. Also I need to do some animation in After Effects to created it, what I want to create in the rough storyboards.

For the moment I use the animation set up in Photoshop, by going into window – animation, were in the bottom of the screenshot, where you have a timeline I have use this to the animation, change the time setup were the pace is set.

Afterwards I export the animation by going into file – export – render video, were in the set up box I check is everything is fine and render the animation so far.


I have got some feedback form my peers so far about my animation. Feedback so far has been positive my peers like the animation so far, they like the use of neon colours I have created for the animation. The only feedback was negative so far was the pace of the animation, they felt it could be a bit faster. I agree with this however I haven’t been satisfied with the use of the timing in Photoshop, I would be more happy with the use of a 25 frames per second setup rather than the use of 0.1 second this would be a stronger rhythm to work with.

And if anyone got feedback will be good to write about on this site or YouTube thanks. Next blog next week. Bye.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Brand New Project: 30 second Experimental Animation Project

Its been a delay, got two projects to do before the 2nd November, writing one of them online will uploaded the other project in a few weeks time, but for now here is my first two weeks of my journal/blog for animation project which is an experimental animation project which needs to be around 30 seconds long so here's the journal/blog anyway here it is.


Start of the project called ‘'Experimental 30-second animation film’. Looked at the brief, then I watched some movies that connect to ‘Experimental 30-second animation film'.


I have looked some animation. I start looking at animation on YouTube called ‘save me’ created by Stewart Hilton. I thought the animation use of different mediums such as: the hand-drawing effect, using paints makes it very colourful in this animation. I also liked the use of stop motion, it works well rather doing this on an animation program such as Adobe Flash. I also enjoy the use of the sound effects and the snippets of different sounds works well with the animation. But, I didn’t like the use of text, I thought it was telling a possible story. I also felt the animation was too long, I thought it could be shorter than its six minutes.

‘Striper v0.1’ created by Max Hattler (2006). I thought the use of colours and textures, the use of the details of the road works well with the animation gives it a strong depth. The use of stop motion works well in its favour. Another thing that worked well, is that it doesn’t tell a story, which is a good thing. Another thing that is positive about the animation was the sound effects, it gives the animation even stronger in places, however the sound track was bit annoying at the end of the animtion. A negative thought would be the animation was a bit too short, it could have been a bit longer.

‘Without you’ created by Tal Rosner (2008). I thought the use of different colours works well. I like the sound effects in this animation, as it works well with the images. I enjoy the strong use of the illustrations such as the lines and shapes and the building itself. Also I liked the use of an After Effects program feel of the animation, and it works well. The only thing I didn’t like in the animation was how long the animation was. I thought it could have be shorter.


My first idea is partly based around Len Lye Post Office Ad which was called ‘A Colour Box’(1935). The idea is around the use of colours, barcodes and lines.

Programmes I want to use After Effects. Because, some of the tools in After Effects will suits what I want to achieve such as: the 3d camera tool will achieve the outcome I want to achieve.


• Basically quite simple which will give a great outcome with the limited time I've got

• Will closely suit my style I want to achieve


• Could be complicated if its done wrong way round


The second idea is based around close up of cars such as: rear lights, excused, head lamps so forth in an Illustrated/Ropascope way. With some sound effects of a beating of a heart. The Car Could Be Based On The Lamborghini Reventon.

Programmes I will be using possibility a mix of Flash, Photoshop and Illustrator. Possibly based around on Flash.


• Could be great, the style and technique could work well with the sound into it.


• Could possibly tell a story, which is a No No.

• Could possibly take too long to do within four weeks.


My third idea will be a journey around the garden, in close up views, in Stop Motion. You will see the close up of the grass, stones, shed, slide and so forth.

Programmes I will be using a mix of Photoshop and Premier/Final Cut Pro and a SLR camera.


• A Good SLR Camera will add good details to the objects.

• Easy to film

• Textures will work well with the probs.

• Photoshop has some great techniques to improve the animation.


• Do I need sound effects or ambient sound?

• Weather problems?

• Don't really fancy this idea much


Last week I am writing ideas down in on my computer bringing in sketches of some of my ideas into PowerPoint for tomorrow to show off my peers for tomorrow.


Not attendant today.


Today I have showed my ideas to my peers. They thought that the first idea with the barcode would be a better idea to use. So I will be using the barcode idea.

That's the journal/blog for now, next blog soon, promise.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Interesting news lately I want to talk about

Interesting news lately, on Wednesday I had an e-mail from Youtube about an animation I've done three years back called Ning Nang Nong (video below), which has over 15,000 hits recently. They asked if you want your video making money via revenue share will be paid through the AdSense account that you provided by Google.
First I've have an account on GoogleAdSense, which need to be approve by them, which I did. Then Youtube wanted to know any info, if it was any copyright such as: is it your own video so forth. the problem I had was them was the Lyrics (the poem was by Spike Milligan) and so a few days, Youtube e-mailed back saying:

"Regarding the poem itself:

We haven't been able to confirm from the information that you've given us
that you have the necessary rights, including publicity rights, to use all the video material and music commercially, so we ask that you provide
written documentation substantiating your claim.

The document should be either a written contract between yourself and the rights owner or aletter from the rights owner stating that you are permitted to use their content commercially. Please provide a signature, along with contact information for the rights owner. A faxed hard copy of the document is preferable, but you may also email us the information with an electronic signature attached. We ask that the document also include the URL for the video(s) and your channel name. Please note that we reserve the right to make the final determination on whether to enable revenue sharing for a video. You must also respond within 7 business days of receiving this letter or the video may be removed from the YouTube site. If you need more time to acquire the proper documents, you may consider disabling revenue sharing yourself.

Please note that disabling revenue sharing will NOT remove your video from the YouTube site."

So overall I need the rights owner if its OK (oh by the way, Spike Millligan has been dead for over 15 years), which I can't get, but they say I can keep it on Youtube, but I had to withdraw it from the Revenue Share Videos list, by clicking the Disable Revenue Sharing button, which is quite nice still, but a shame, had still had an oppertuity of getting money for my animations in the future, but still the animation is on Youtube, if you want to see it.
You can't win them all. New Blog soon, bye.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Sorry for the Delay here's the new blog

Right first thing first, sorry about the delay, second thing I've got enrol for University (called College over the States), I'm doing course with moving images which put we into the third year of the course. Because I've finished my Foundation Degree in animation, with this qualification I can go into the third year at Uni, so third year hear I come!

Third thing, here's a drawing I've done another drawing on my iPod touch with the Adobe Ideas app. A drawing of a Porsche 911.

Last thing I've done a showreel, which includes animation and film I've done in the past four years. I might need to alter the audio set-up that might take some time. So here's the showreel, enjoy

So the next blog I will be doing, will be at University starting my first project, so see ya soon, Jonathan.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Drawings I've done on iPod touch

These are some of my drawings I've done on the ipod touch with the Adobe Ideas app. The first is just a quick sketch of a storyboard scene. Second image is a quick sketch of a Lancia Stratos HF witch I've found the image on Wiki. Third image of Anne Halfaway which took a few days to do so, not so good to do an Vincent Van Gogh animation, very touch to draw this, very perfectionist to this but possibly my best drawing minus if this wasn't with pen or paper.

Next week there could be a surprise for next week, I'm not making any promises, it could be a surprise next week wait and see. Bye for now.

Monday, 16 August 2010

So I havn't done this for a while

Sorry for a long time (three months), first of all just sorting out life for the start of September. Second, I am want to big up some my friends animation what they trying to do with their company magic pixels a preview of what the future will look like.

Thirdly seen the new Toy Story 3 film, overall I felt it was a Great film overall, Possibly an Oscar in March 2011 then. I felt bringing in new characters and new actors in such as Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear played by Ned Beatty, Ken played by Michael Keaton worked well, also bringing in the Nostalgia of the cameo of Sid, in the original Toy Story. Also, references from familiar films such as Big Baby (Darth Vader) and Lots-O-Huggin' Bear (The Empire) reference to Star Wars episode VI (see film). Felt the ending was the best way to end it and best way to end a trilogy. Do they need to do another film in my opinion? No don't need to. One the best trilogy I've seen in animation, one of the best film I've seen this year.

Fourth, there is a app for free on i-Tunes called Adobe Ideas for the iPhone which I've done some drawings I've done on my i-Pod Touch below, posable ideas for an animation, opinions below if you wish to comment. Fifth there is a surprise in a few weeks time. Bye for now

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Final Blog for FMP/Client 24th May


I have completed the text error (capital letters) and sorted out the logo in Flash. Also, it will be exported onto QuickTime. I uploaded this onto Youtube, because, the client has request this, so that the client reviews this within his department he works for, so that the logo is approved. That is all.

Blog from 17th May to 21st May


I began to complete the last scene of the kids eating healthy, which will be finished off tomorrow.


Going to show the client the video on Friday 21st May at 11am at college, so I need to finish off the animation by Thursday. So I have finished the final scene which is now completed. I have also added the logos into the bus at the end of the final scene, I have also faded in the logo with the alpha motion tween, which I did with the fade in and out into scenes for last week. I have also added speech bubbles when Harv and Archie are talking to promote healthy eating. I also added an alpha motion tween with the speech bubbles. I felt that this meets with the clients requirements more effectively.


I have finished off the animation a day earlier than planned, I had to change the dog leash in one of the scenes, also I had to change the text from mobile phone text to proper text, also the bus in the scene. I altered the bus ad (see pictures below). I have also tidied up the Harv walk scene today the showing to the client for Friday.


I have showed the animation to the client today, only one little problem was that the frame rate went wrong (usually 25fps on the animation 24fps) which is now sorted. The client likes the animation, but it needed the logo and text to be sorted which will be completed by Monday (client feedback look at critical review). Also I felt more confident with the client when talking with him, this was an improvement on the first meeting, felt the client was very impress with the animation. Opinions please below.

For example, the first meeting I was too quite for my own liking I didn't want to go into the attack mode, and I was over defensive of my work. Today for the meeting even with the error of the frame rate, I did not go off the rails, and I let myself get on with the meeting and kept my composure throughout the meeting.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Blog from 10th May to 14th May


I have finished off some of the body parts where Arch, Eric and Sid are talking form last week. I have also added the scene were Archie, Harv, Sid and Eric meet. I felt that the characters worked well in my opinion, because they have their own characteristics such as hair colours and what are they are wearing such as (baseball caps) and this makes the difference, also they don't looked copied to the same design as Archie, but still have their own differences at the same time


Started with the human walk cycle. I got the idea from this link ( I have also added a fade in and out into the scene with this Youtube clip below, by converting the the symbol as a movie clip, then adding a motion tween on the timeline and by going into the properties and changing the alpha in the colour effect box.


Finished off the walk cycle where the kids go to the Green Grocer which took most of the afternoon to complete. I also completed Harv eating the carrot by doing a movie clip symbol of eating the carrot.

Which will give me an improvement to animation, which will add more depth to the animation I have done so far, as this shows in my animation from Tuesdays animation to Friday which shows the improvements.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Blog form 4th-7th May


I have been developing the four legged run throughout the day for Harv, and I got some feedback saying it was fine. Also I started and developing some backgrounds which will be continued tomorrow.

Today I have made the bus move to the other side of the screen, this was done by a movie clip symbol and the tyre movement was done by creating a motion tween. In properties i moved the rotation sidebar to make it rotate 5 times. Also I have started to create the kid walking into the chip shop. Got feedback from someone about my animation so far, they thought it looked professional.


I have finished off the kid walking into the chip shop. Now I have started creating the secondary characters Eric and Sid with there head movement, so they are quite similar to Archie.

I have finished the characters (Eric and Sid). I have done some more lip syncing with the Archie, Eric and Sid scene today with the talking floating heads. For now the body will be created next week.

Blog from 26th-30th April


Got feedback from my peers about the animatic with sound, said to me just get on with the final product sound is ok. Then saved and export the score in Soundbooth as a wav. Imported into Flash and started to do some lip syncing in Flash.

Developing the lip syncing in Flash with Archie and Harv and adding body movement as well, which is now complete with that scene. Which the lip syncing was spot on, which was basically done by figuring out by paperwork as this scan shows. I've also started and finished off the cats scene with the meowing in flash. Also, I am going to start the dog walk on Friday which will be hand drawn in a movie symbol rather then using bone tool in flash.

Start, developed the dog walk for Harv, got some feedback saying it needs the need the head to be less extreme on the movement, which will be sorted out next week, which is basic a movie symbol problem that is easily sorted. I have also finished off the lip syncing when Archie telling Harv to slow down.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Blog from 19th-23rd April


I have finished off my lip sync for the side view, I have experimented with Harv and Archie put it together to try out the video below. I have also experimented with the dog walk, as the other video shows. Also I have recorded my sounds such as my back up voice artist for my lead character, if the person is not available I've got back up, but I have arranged a time to record my preferred voice over artist for my lead character tomorrow.


I've recorded the voice for Archie by using a maratanz in the sound studio, with the voice artist. I've downloaded the files onto the desktop and I dragged the files into Adobe Soundbooth to be checked over and edited, when I was happy I saved the file. Then I dragged the files into Adobe Premier with the Animatic so I could place where the audio is going to be put within a timeline. I was not satisfied with it yet, because I felt it needed some ambient sound and the sound of someone eating an apple, which will be done by tomorrow. The animatic with sound is shown below.


I've finished off my ambient sound, but I wasn't satisfied with it, although I've got some old sounds, which work better. Also my apple eating sound is complete by using a marantz, I complete the same procedures as yesterday, and then I exported it up to Youtube so that I could get some feedback.

feedback for fmp animatic


feedback please

Monday, 19 April 2010

Blog from 12th April to 16th April


I've continued developing Harv, such as making his jaw less squashed together which is much improved,therefore I'm much satisfied with. But there is more to be developed with the character such as the movement of the jaw. Also the eyes needed to be more friendly and dog like.


I've continued with the development of Harv, such as head movement so when it turns its looks normal, I improved jaw gums as they needed to be much bigger. As shown in the animation below (note an eye will be fixed) Also with Harv I'm adding Graphic symbols so when I call them up in the library they are there. Also I've edited the dogs eyes to be more friendly.


Still developing Harv but this time another side view, which have been saved as Graphic/Movie clip symbols. I have also developed the dog walking cycle, which is shown below with the images and movie clip.

Started to develop Archie such as the head and eyes which are saved as a graphic symbol, also started doing the lip sync for the front view and started side view which I've got from this link and that link as this video elbow what I've done in front view.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Blog from 8th April


I came into College do some work, more on developing Harv with his front and side views. One of the side views needed to be improved on with his jaw needing to be longer, and less squashed in. I have also started on the dog walk in flash as video blow showed, I've used the bone tool, as the picture below shows, I used simple graphic symbols. I've also verbally agreed who is going to do the voice for the boy character (Archie) who will suit the voice-type that I need. I've also asked peoples advice, who said that will be a good choice for the character.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Meeting from client from 29th march


I had a meeting with my client today, he was impressed with the animatic which I showed him on my iPod touch, along with my storyboards and character designs. Tom (the client) has said he liked the work so far, he will let us continue with the development as we wish, but help us with logos. I have also given him a CD of the animatic.

Overall, I felt that I was a bit quiet throughout the meeting, which wasn't a bad thing, I just wanted to be focused and get my bearings together. I spoke too fast, which I usually speak fast in any presentation before this, but still I could have slowed down a bit. Tom (the client) was a nice guy to communicate with, very friendly to chat with, impressed with what we've shown him, and he was confidence of letting us do your work.

Blog from 22nd to 26th March


Today I have looked in 'The Animator's Survival Kit' by Richard Williams, in page 330-331 how to do a basic animal walk pattern, I have done a basic walk pattern in Flash for a second see video below.

Today I have started a animatic on what will the animation will look like throughout the day.


I have got e-mail today with the client, we are going to meet up on the 29th of March at Barking, to discuss about the project. I am also going to show him animatic which will be completed by tomorrow, also some storyboards and character designs for Monday.

I have also continued developing the animatic, just need change a speech mark in one of my scene because it was similar to Charlie the Cat such as "Harvey says..." to be change that will be thought more until tomorrow.

Also, I have also tried o experiment with some animation my dog talking in flash, needs more improvement.

I have got some characters design printed off in A3, colour prints and also storyboards as well to go into a portfolio for the client to see. I have also finished the animatic and exported onto Quick Time to burn onto disk and also exported as a M4v format (ipod touch) to show the client on Monday. Animatic below that on Youtube, if not below, comment on it please.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Blog from 15th to 18th March, no pictures needed look at last Friday's blog for that


I have been creating some conceptual drawings of my boy and dog which I have drawn in flash. I showed some the model sheets to my peers to get some feedback:

  • style - endearing would capture the attention of the audience
  • good colour
  • my own style
  • sticking with stereotype the area
  • facial expressions are good,
  • the colour does not stay within the outline-gives it character
  • detail
  • like the style rough lines

Mixed media
  • mixed media could work, needs to be carefully incorporated into the animation
  • your style marries the mix media well
  • unless you are sure that the animation is good, it could work
  • I think the roughness adds character
  • I don't think mixed media works with rough lines, it's got to be neater

  • the character has an endearing face, friendly food
  • dog back legs needs to be fatter
  • dog its very cute
  • roughness adds character
  • dog looks rushed but it can work
Overall my peers felt the boy character works well and has effective styling that suited my style. The feedback from mixed media my peers felt it can work well in the right propositions. They also felt the dog styling is cute and has a friendly face and the style is associated my style.
However, they felt the dog needs to have fatter, needs more developing, I felt needs more improvements to it. Look at images from last week.


Today I have developed the dog Character through out the day, started it looked like a Labrador then developed look like Tramp character out of Lady and the Tramp and then looked
a boxer and then finished off looking like a valley bulldog (breed between a bulldog and boxer). Look


I have continued developed the dog character face with some dope/character sheet which I have drawn in Flash. Look at images from last week.

Friday, 19 March 2010

images form this week

images from last week I drawn, college of the boy and his dog, and the evaluation of the dog from the week, rate them, opinion them please




I will write the rest of the blog on Monday, and opinions form my pears.