Monday, 17 May 2010

Blog from 10th May to 14th May


I have finished off some of the body parts where Arch, Eric and Sid are talking form last week. I have also added the scene were Archie, Harv, Sid and Eric meet. I felt that the characters worked well in my opinion, because they have their own characteristics such as hair colours and what are they are wearing such as (baseball caps) and this makes the difference, also they don't looked copied to the same design as Archie, but still have their own differences at the same time


Started with the human walk cycle. I got the idea from this link ( I have also added a fade in and out into the scene with this Youtube clip below, by converting the the symbol as a movie clip, then adding a motion tween on the timeline and by going into the properties and changing the alpha in the colour effect box.


Finished off the walk cycle where the kids go to the Green Grocer which took most of the afternoon to complete. I also completed Harv eating the carrot by doing a movie clip symbol of eating the carrot.

Which will give me an improvement to animation, which will add more depth to the animation I have done so far, as this shows in my animation from Tuesdays animation to Friday which shows the improvements.

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