Monday, 26 April 2010

Blog from 19th-23rd April


I have finished off my lip sync for the side view, I have experimented with Harv and Archie put it together to try out the video below. I have also experimented with the dog walk, as the other video shows. Also I have recorded my sounds such as my back up voice artist for my lead character, if the person is not available I've got back up, but I have arranged a time to record my preferred voice over artist for my lead character tomorrow.


I've recorded the voice for Archie by using a maratanz in the sound studio, with the voice artist. I've downloaded the files onto the desktop and I dragged the files into Adobe Soundbooth to be checked over and edited, when I was happy I saved the file. Then I dragged the files into Adobe Premier with the Animatic so I could place where the audio is going to be put within a timeline. I was not satisfied with it yet, because I felt it needed some ambient sound and the sound of someone eating an apple, which will be done by tomorrow. The animatic with sound is shown below.


I've finished off my ambient sound, but I wasn't satisfied with it, although I've got some old sounds, which work better. Also my apple eating sound is complete by using a marantz, I complete the same procedures as yesterday, and then I exported it up to Youtube so that I could get some feedback.

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