Monday, 26 April 2010

Blog from 19th-23rd April


I have finished off my lip sync for the side view, I have experimented with Harv and Archie put it together to try out the video below. I have also experimented with the dog walk, as the other video shows. Also I have recorded my sounds such as my back up voice artist for my lead character, if the person is not available I've got back up, but I have arranged a time to record my preferred voice over artist for my lead character tomorrow.


I've recorded the voice for Archie by using a maratanz in the sound studio, with the voice artist. I've downloaded the files onto the desktop and I dragged the files into Adobe Soundbooth to be checked over and edited, when I was happy I saved the file. Then I dragged the files into Adobe Premier with the Animatic so I could place where the audio is going to be put within a timeline. I was not satisfied with it yet, because I felt it needed some ambient sound and the sound of someone eating an apple, which will be done by tomorrow. The animatic with sound is shown below.


I've finished off my ambient sound, but I wasn't satisfied with it, although I've got some old sounds, which work better. Also my apple eating sound is complete by using a marantz, I complete the same procedures as yesterday, and then I exported it up to Youtube so that I could get some feedback.

feedback for fmp animatic


feedback please

Monday, 19 April 2010

Blog from 12th April to 16th April


I've continued developing Harv, such as making his jaw less squashed together which is much improved,therefore I'm much satisfied with. But there is more to be developed with the character such as the movement of the jaw. Also the eyes needed to be more friendly and dog like.


I've continued with the development of Harv, such as head movement so when it turns its looks normal, I improved jaw gums as they needed to be much bigger. As shown in the animation below (note an eye will be fixed) Also with Harv I'm adding Graphic symbols so when I call them up in the library they are there. Also I've edited the dogs eyes to be more friendly.


Still developing Harv but this time another side view, which have been saved as Graphic/Movie clip symbols. I have also developed the dog walking cycle, which is shown below with the images and movie clip.

Started to develop Archie such as the head and eyes which are saved as a graphic symbol, also started doing the lip sync for the front view and started side view which I've got from this link and that link as this video elbow what I've done in front view.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Blog from 8th April


I came into College do some work, more on developing Harv with his front and side views. One of the side views needed to be improved on with his jaw needing to be longer, and less squashed in. I have also started on the dog walk in flash as video blow showed, I've used the bone tool, as the picture below shows, I used simple graphic symbols. I've also verbally agreed who is going to do the voice for the boy character (Archie) who will suit the voice-type that I need. I've also asked peoples advice, who said that will be a good choice for the character.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Meeting from client from 29th march


I had a meeting with my client today, he was impressed with the animatic which I showed him on my iPod touch, along with my storyboards and character designs. Tom (the client) has said he liked the work so far, he will let us continue with the development as we wish, but help us with logos. I have also given him a CD of the animatic.

Overall, I felt that I was a bit quiet throughout the meeting, which wasn't a bad thing, I just wanted to be focused and get my bearings together. I spoke too fast, which I usually speak fast in any presentation before this, but still I could have slowed down a bit. Tom (the client) was a nice guy to communicate with, very friendly to chat with, impressed with what we've shown him, and he was confidence of letting us do your work.

Blog from 22nd to 26th March


Today I have looked in 'The Animator's Survival Kit' by Richard Williams, in page 330-331 how to do a basic animal walk pattern, I have done a basic walk pattern in Flash for a second see video below.

Today I have started a animatic on what will the animation will look like throughout the day.


I have got e-mail today with the client, we are going to meet up on the 29th of March at Barking, to discuss about the project. I am also going to show him animatic which will be completed by tomorrow, also some storyboards and character designs for Monday.

I have also continued developing the animatic, just need change a speech mark in one of my scene because it was similar to Charlie the Cat such as "Harvey says..." to be change that will be thought more until tomorrow.

Also, I have also tried o experiment with some animation my dog talking in flash, needs more improvement.

I have got some characters design printed off in A3, colour prints and also storyboards as well to go into a portfolio for the client to see. I have also finished the animatic and exported onto Quick Time to burn onto disk and also exported as a M4v format (ipod touch) to show the client on Monday. Animatic below that on Youtube, if not below, comment on it please.