Sunday, 21 March 2010

Blog from 15th to 18th March, no pictures needed look at last Friday's blog for that


I have been creating some conceptual drawings of my boy and dog which I have drawn in flash. I showed some the model sheets to my peers to get some feedback:

  • style - endearing would capture the attention of the audience
  • good colour
  • my own style
  • sticking with stereotype the area
  • facial expressions are good,
  • the colour does not stay within the outline-gives it character
  • detail
  • like the style rough lines

Mixed media
  • mixed media could work, needs to be carefully incorporated into the animation
  • your style marries the mix media well
  • unless you are sure that the animation is good, it could work
  • I think the roughness adds character
  • I don't think mixed media works with rough lines, it's got to be neater

  • the character has an endearing face, friendly food
  • dog back legs needs to be fatter
  • dog its very cute
  • roughness adds character
  • dog looks rushed but it can work
Overall my peers felt the boy character works well and has effective styling that suited my style. The feedback from mixed media my peers felt it can work well in the right propositions. They also felt the dog styling is cute and has a friendly face and the style is associated my style.
However, they felt the dog needs to have fatter, needs more developing, I felt needs more improvements to it. Look at images from last week.


Today I have developed the dog Character through out the day, started it looked like a Labrador then developed look like Tramp character out of Lady and the Tramp and then looked
a boxer and then finished off looking like a valley bulldog (breed between a bulldog and boxer). Look


I have continued developed the dog character face with some dope/character sheet which I have drawn in Flash. Look at images from last week.

Friday, 19 March 2010

images form this week

images from last week I drawn, college of the boy and his dog, and the evaluation of the dog from the week, rate them, opinion them please




I will write the rest of the blog on Monday, and opinions form my pears.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Blog from 8th March to 14th March 2010 and time to put the images in some sort of order

Today, I have been now started to develop the characters, I have been drawing the head shots for both characters in flash to adapt the style I'm considering. I am trying to perfect my style so this will take a while to develop, with feedback from my peers which I have shown them they felt it was familiar to my style I usually do, however, they felt it was quite a new style I have created, but I want to add college, such as pictures of fruit, bus stop (sign), railings to create mix media from such as Charlie and Lola.


I have continued developing of my characters with the dog with position as such walking and siting down. I have use flash for this to draw.


I have drawing down the boy character will like like (see sketchbook), I also wanted to look in angles such as in Charlie and lola they have four perspectives front view, back view and left and right view at 100 degrees while in my animation I want six views front and back view, two degree views at 60 and 110 degree view for both right and left view so it gives smooth the movement.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Blog from 1st March to 7th March 2010


Today, I have been lookin
g at styling such as Charley and Lola: their style is quite simple which will be quite a good alternative to my style. I also looked at South Park as well

I have also look at Basics Animation: Scriptwriting by Paul Wells, which have good ways of writing a script , storyboards and screen play for the final major project, there example was Charlie and Lola in the book.which has a similar simplistic style, however, I think its too simplistic, it doesn't show a lot of effort compared to Charl
ie and Lola.


Today I have started to write down both my stories in camera shots, also explaining the action and story, which will know what it would drawn down on paper. I have also consider doing this animation in HD if the client wants it.


I have finish off my screen play writing, started off drawing down my rough storyboards.


I have finished off the first story rough storyboards,I have started off the second story rough storyboards, and thinking this their anything else I can add more to the storyboards.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Last week blog 23rd Feb


Last I have concluded my final major brief Proposal, which had to be edited a few times to be right, which is handed in. So now its handed in, I can now concentrated on the creative part of the project from now on.

Anyway I have the two which are initial storylines both of which feature central characters of a small boy and his dog. This idea was inspired by 1970’s public information animation films, which were narrated by Patrick Allen and featured the voice of Charley the Cat by the late Kenny Everett which are :

" In my first story an 11 year old boy and his dog are walking in the park to the shops where there is an off licence, fruit and veg store, chip shop and bus stop. The boy meets his friends, coming off the bus. A child is seen going into the chip shop and the dog mumbles something to the boy who translates what the dog said to his friends. The boy and his friends then walk past the chip shop and go into the fruit and veg shop to buy some fruit for snacks. Instead of using voice over to make the message clear, the animation could feature a slogan or strapline and also include billboards in the street to give messages such as ‘walk, don’t bus!’ This idea arose from research on (

In my second idea for a storyline the boy is playing ball with his dog in the garden at home when his mother calls him to ask if he wants a packet of crisps or a donut as a snack. The dog mumbles his usual disapproval and the boy translates to his mother that he would prefer an apple and a yogurt. At the end of this story the dog holds up a banner with the ‘healthy eating’ slogan on it but is knocked over by the ball. The boy shouts goal!"